Bearing Data Service

How our customers are using the API

Collecting bearing product data is error prone and time intensive.
We offer the Bearing Data Service alongside our rolling bearing products that ensures greater efficiency, transparency, and security in your data management.
Bearing Data Service automates and accelerates conventional business processes in the value-added chain, giving rise to completely new perspectives.
The Bearing Data Service [Digital Twin API] is a standardized RESTful interface to query product information from engineering, production, and logistics in a machine-readable format stored in the cloud. By calling standard REST methods, users can get information about Schaeffler products for their application. This enables our customers to integrate Schaeffler product data into their ecosystem.
The API design follows the best practices regarding security, ensured by the Schaeffler API Portal and usability. The response object is a convenient standard JSON object.
Better system design and easier calculations
Expanded purchasing and sales platform
Optimized warehouse management
Simplified product and system assembly
Transparent product life cycle
If you want to learn more about the Bearing Data Service, you can visit our Product Page.
The Schaeffler Group is making a decisive contribution to mobility with its high-precision components.
If you have questions regarding the Schaeffler Developer Portal you can contact our API Center of Excellence team here.